[Under Construction! TODO: Table of Contents?]
Hi there! I'm Plucky Pizzicato.
I'm a longtime MLP fan, having first encountered the series in 2011, shortly after Friendship is Magic came out. It had me hooked fast! The community and shows have kept me enthralled all the way up until now. So why's this blog here? I need somewhere to put all my ramblings about the deeper themes in these fun shows! And so this site was born. Let's get a bit deeper into things, though.
How I First Encountered The Franchise
It was 2011, and I was probably a pretty average middle schooler. It was a weekend, I believe, and I was browsing the Minecraft Forums, because Minecraft was kind of the hot new thing to be interested in around then. I was in the Culture, Media, and Arts section of the Off-Topic forums when I found a thread named after My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Juvenile as I was, my immediate thought was to enter and make fun of everyone inside. So I did! Because who thinks twice when you're a preteen?
Cooler heads prevailed, though. Some of the more levelheaded members of the thread asked me, "how do you know what's bad about it if you haven't seen it?"
"Good point," I thought, following the links I was given; "If I watch the show, I can come up with much more specific material to degrade them with!"
Of course, one thing led to another, and I'd finished through S1E2, tears welling up in my eyes as I made a few necessary realizations. I was basically a doppelganger of the main character, Twilight Sparkle; self-assured, sarcastic, and not at all interested in friends. But Twilight had been shown another way. And somehow...I had too. Not sure how I didn't see that before this show, but I'll be damned if it didn't make me finally aware of just what I'd been missing!
The rest is history. Though I've stepped on and off "The Ride" that is the fandom, I've obsessed over these colorful characters for 14 years and counting now. Even the newest iteration, Generation 5, that most seemed to hold ire for, just seemed perfect to me. Not objectively so, but to me. And that was what was important.
What's My Favorite Part of Each Show?
Great question! This is something waaaaaay too extensive to cover comprehensively in this section. However, I can touch on some of the most endearing aspects here. I'll link to blogs that I write later with these topics, or just rewrite this section! Some terms might be too dense to get immediately...I'm aware! I might have to find a way to make a mouse-over definition system so we're always on the same page.
Generation 4: Friendship is Magic
- Extremely strong, sight-readable trope-based characterization
- Amazing music by Daniel Ingram
- Vibrant colors
- (Mostly) friendly and helpful fandom
- Detailed world-building, proper mix of imagination and explanation
Generation 4: Equestria Girls
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Generation 4.5: Pony Life
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Generation 5: A New Generation
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Generation 5: Make Your Mark
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Generation 5: Tell Your Tale
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some more text here idfk
Why This Blog Exists
more text
Fun Facts About Ya Girl (Me!)
never enough text